Mr. Matt says:
I don't like that Brian!
You leave Mrs. Matt out of this!
Damn damn damn!
There is no 'i' in team but there is 'me'.
Hoops there it is!
I am Lorde. Lalala!
I think this car is giving me Brett powers.
Nooo.. I would never do that!
There's always a need to be fancy!
Don't everyone go chase the ball now.
Clear the ball to the side, don't set up a goal shot!
High ping affects us all.
The more LEDs, the faster it goes. This is common knowledge.
Ooh, that was nasty!
Ehh, that sounds like effort.
Fuck that Adam guy.
What the shit?!?
Don't stand in front of the bullets!
be at the LAN!
I'm a fucking pro.
That's not how Mr. Matt says works...
He's just angry.
The problem is you didn't add enough salt.
Rocket League!
Oh shit! That was ranked?!?
A bicycle kick won't save that shit.
Hella. Rude.
Oh damn. That's not good.
Rude. As. Eff.
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